BCFoods is proud to participate every year in the local Secret Santa Program organized by the Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership (CVNL). This wonderful program works with charitable organizations throughout the county to put presents under the tree for those in need.
Each year, the Program hangs hearts on Christmas trees set up at businesses and public spaces throughout Sonoma County. Individuals adopt those hearts and bring a gift back to put under that tree. The Secret Santa Program then delivers those gifts directly to the person who made the wish.
BCFoods has funded 100% of the development and operation of the Program’s website (www.secretsantanow.org) from its beginning several years ago. Last year, this site was improved to enable people in the community to adopt a heart online. Little did we know how important that would be this year when, due to COVID-19, the Secret Santa Program could not use its normal method of publishing hearts throughout the community and the website became the only means possible to adopt a heart. In addition, BCFoods funded a new tool this year that enables a donor to “fund now” and immediately provide a donation to the specific heart they selected.
“The result was spectacular,” said a spokesman for the Secret Santa Program. “100% of the hearts (more than 12,000) were adopted and funded in 2020. This would not have been possible without BCFoods’ generous and on-going support.”
BCFoods is grateful for the opportunity to positively impact lives in our community, especially during such a trying time. As stated in our Commitments for 2021, we will continue donating time and resources to charitable organizations and encourage other businesses to do so as well.